From Illusion to Insight: How Consciousness Informs Planning and Design

tio gegeca (rogerio)
4 min readOct 17, 2023
Sketch by the author, showing Hierophants. To the right is a Papal stonework cross that is more than 8 meters high and dates from 1758 in the chapel of Padre Faria in Ouro Preto-MG. The left side has a second papal cross, a “post-modern” one, made by architect Éolo Maia in steel, in his 1980 project for the chapel of the Fazenda de Santana do Pé do Morro complex in Ouro Branco-MG.

For a long time, philosophers, scientists, and thinkers have been interested in how consciousness works. Renowned philosopher Daniel Dennett’s perspective, as revealed in a recent interview (link:, posits that our perception of consciousness is deceptive. Instead of showing us what’s really happening, our brains make up things we think are real.

These illusory constructs range from how we perceive objects, denoted as “phenomenal properties”, to the distinction between our public and private representations. Dennett, echoing the views of numerous scientific thinkers, asserts that mere theoretical speculation regarding consciousness is insufficient; empirical experimentation is imperative for authentic comprehension.

But beyond Dennett’s perspective, there’s a growing notion that consciousness is not a static entity. It’s akin to a football player in the throes of a game, constantly adapting, strategizing, and evolving. This player isn’t solely reliant on past training, but rather crafts and refines strategies in real-time, analogous to how consciousness perpetually updates and integrates new experiences. This dynamic nature of consciousness can be traced back to evolutionary principles. Evolution has consistently favored adaptability, and a consciousness that can adapt itself based on ongoing experiences offers an evolutionary advantage.

It’s not merely about absorbing and storing information; it’s about actively interpreting, predicting, and reacting to the world. Every experience, whether monumental or mundane, reshapes our cognitive framework. The mutability of consciousness, when viewed through an evolutionary perspective, suggests that it can be viewed as both a result and a process. The capacity to adapt their conscious experiences to their environment thrived as species evolved. This same dynamism allows us to understand and navigate the world today, as we confront novel experiences.

For creative professionals, especially those in urban and landscape planning and design, grasping the fluidity and dynamism of consciousness is paramount. As planners and designers craft environments for human interaction, understanding the ever-evolving nature of consciousness can provide insights into how people perceive, interpret, and engage with these spaces. Just as consciousness isn’t a passive repository but an active constructor of reality, a city, or landscape isn’t merely a backdrop; it’s a living entity that interacts with its inhabitants.

Each design intervention isn’t just a static element but becomes a part of the larger narrative of the environment, influencing and being influenced by the myriad conscious experiences of those who inhabit or traverse it. The adaptability inherent in human consciousness can serve as a blueprint for designers, encouraging them to create spaces that aren’t just aesthetically pleasing but are also flexible, resilient, and responsive to the dynamic world they nestle within.

In conclusion, consciousness is not just a philosophical conundrum; it has profound implications for practical fields like planning and design. While it remains an enigmatic force, its ever-evolving nature, deeply rooted in evolutionary principles, significantly influences how we interact with our surroundings. This understanding, whether drawn from Dennett’s insights or analogies like the adaptive football player, is essential for designers and planners. Recognizing the dynamic interplay between consciousness and environment allows for the creation of spaces that resonate with human experience, adaptability, and growth. As we move forward, merging these insights with design practices will lead to more harmonious and responsive urban and natural landscapes.

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